A Song for Those Who Are Waiting On the Lord

A few Saturday evenings ago as I was thinking about the songs I’d be leading the next morning, I began to get a strong sense that God wanted me to share a song of encouragement after “Everlasting God” for people who have been waiting for an answer from him for a very long time. Sometimes this kind of nudge happens in the moment, and so I attempt to convey a prophetic impression of God’s heart on-the-spot. This time, I was grateful that the Holy Spirit was giving me advance notice, and so I jotted down some quick lyrics and had them on my music stand the next morning in case it felt right.

When we ended “Everlasting God” I took a moment to discern how I felt the Holy Spirit leading me, and I went ahead and sang this song. The tune and music were just simple and improvised.

I’ve included a recording and the lyrics below. I hope and pray that these words might be an encouragement to you too.

I am the God who formed the earth
I am the One who gave you life
I knew you long before your birth
And I have never left your side

I know your doubts, I know your fears
I know you’re weary from all the years
You’ve waited for an answer
You’ve prayed with all your heart
You’ve wondered if I hear you
You’ve stared into the dark

I am the everlasting God
I am your Father
I’ve redeemed you through my son
He bore your burden
He knew your pain
He intercedes for you
He prays for you by name

And I will do what’s best for you, my love
I will work my perfect will, and I will lift you up
I am always faithful and I am always good
You don’t always see it but it is always true

Don’t listen to the lies the Devil says
He is the accuser and I have conquered him
You are my beloved and I am in control
You can’t always see it but I am on the throne

One day you will see that I have worked
All things for my glory and all things for your good
One day you will see me as I am
Your Everlasting Father, and your never failing friend

And I know you don’t always understand
But I give you a promise: your Father has a plan
Jesus gives you access. The Spirit gives you strength
I love you and I’m with you and will hold you while you wait

22 thoughts on “A Song for Those Who Are Waiting On the Lord”

  1. I am a worship leader at a church in FL. I am writing a job description out as I am training someone to take my place because am transitioning out so I found your blog from a google search for Worship Leader job description. Then I saw on the side bar “A song for those who are waiting on the Lord” and clicked on it. I’m sure when the Lord gave you this song you had NO idea that it would be exactly what some stranger in FL needed to hear.

    Thank you for allowing God to use you to speak to me in my time of waiting. It touches me deeply to see the lengths God goes to to encourage me in this waiting time when my strength feels so low. Beautiful.

  2. I was at the 1100 service when you sang this song and wept the entire time. It was exactly what I needed to hear from our Father. I am still waiting for a new job, but know He is waiting with me. I was blessed again to read the lyrics.

    Thank you!

  3. I know this post is almost 3 years old now, but I have to tell you how much that song moved me. I’m in a situation where just about all of my life is in flux and out of my control at all where I’m just forced to wait and trust God. This set off a bout of anxiety and insomnia that has plagued me for a month now. I was (somewhat desperately) searching on Google for worship songs about waiting on the Lord to help calm the raging storm in my mind and this popped up. I can’t tell you how much it blessed me and helped me just when I needed it most. Thank you.

    1. Thank you so much for letting me know, John. Can I send you our recent CD? It’s almost 90 minutes of non-stop reminders of God’s faithfulness. Email me your address through the “contact me” page.

  4. Hi Jamie, was just googling songs about waiting on God for a reflective/healing service we are doing in a couple of weeks with the theme of waiting on God, when I came across this. I think it is great and I am wondering if you would mind if we used it (possibly with some reflective pictures) during our service as it would fit in very well. If so, do you have a copy of it, or some way we could access it to just use the song you played? (We are already doing Everlasting God 🙂 )

    With thanks and blessings,


      1. Thanks, Jamie…did you have another copy or only on the recording here? Also wanted to add that I love the concept of ‘prophetically’ singing over people, and have a desire to do this sometime, although I think mine would be in tongues, which will need to wait for the ‘right’ setting.

  5. I am absolutely in love with this song, I have listened to it right before bed every night for about a year now… This song has helped me through the hardest times of my life (including the hardest journey which I’m walking right now), and I have shed many tears while listening to it. I can always hear my Heavenly Father’s voice in the lyrics and I just have to say you don’t know how much this song means to me… So even though I don’t know you I figured it’s about time I say thank you. Thank you for letting the Holy Spirit work through you. For its a blessing to me and many others

  6. This touched my heart so! I found this by googling songs about waiting on the Lord — thank you for sharing! I love how the Lord uses His body to show us His love! Praying for all of us who are still waiting on the Lord – we will not be ashamed! Blessings!!!

  7. This song is beautiful and exactly what I needed to see and hear. Thank you for letting the Holy Spirit guide you and for sharing this for others to see and listen to. God bless you, brother in the Lord.

  8. 6 years has passed since you have shared what the Lord has put on your heart and I am so thankful for your obedience to His leading. I too googled songs about waiting and trusting in the Lord and these words from my Heavenly Father were perfect and true. “He prays for me by name”…. I balled. Your song has encouraged me to continue to wait and trust in the lord. I will continue to worship and obey even through the hard times. I’ve posted your article on my Facebook, and I pray it encourages others as it has done for me. Thank You.

    Zana Steadham
    fromAustin, Texas

  9. I have desperately needed this song 🎶 as I have been waiting on a promise for over some teen years now. I have been discouraged around and back again and just stumbled on this page and song—- I would love to hear this on repeat tonight as I have wondered in tears 😭 how much longer can I wait… thank you so very much for this encouragement

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